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Moore's television career began with a job as 'Happy Hotpoint', a tiny elf dancing on Hotpoint appliances in TV commercials during the 1950s series Ozzie and Harriet. Moore in Johnny Staccato (1960) Television Early appearances painkillers and alcohol.' Her brother died at the age of 47 from kidney cancer. Moore's sister Elizabeth died at age 21 'from a combination of. In Los Angeles, Moore attended Saint Ambrose School and Immaculate Heart High School in the Los Feliz neighborhood of the city. Rose of Lima Parochial School in Brooklyn until the third grade. When Moore was eight years old, the family relocated to Los Angeles, California at the recommendation of her uncle, an employee of MCA. Moore's paternal great-grandfather, Lieutenant Colonel Lewis Tilghman Moore, owned the house which is now the Stonewall Jackson's Headquarters Museum in Winchester, Virginia. Moore was the oldest of three children with a younger brother John and a younger sister Elizabeth. The Moores later lived in a rented apartment at 144-16 35th Avenue in Flushing, Queens, New York City. Her Irish-Catholic family lived in Brooklyn's Flatbush neighborhood. Moore was born on December 29, 1936, in the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, to Marjorie (née Hackett) and George Tyler Moore.

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